
Western Russian Federation Surrenders

On October 5th 1994, Marshall Kalinsky, cheif of staff of Russian democratic forces in Eastern Europe surrendered unconditionally to the Western Alliance leaders. The treaty which followed called for the disbandment of all Russian forces and ceding of the remaining territory in their hands to the European Union. The once proud and seemingly-unstoppable armies of the Soviet Union were scattered and crippled, their homeland overrun by invaders. In his farewell speech, Marshall Kalinsky made the following statement to the European and American Media:
"It is with little sadness or regret that I lay down my sword against the people of the West. We Russians have been mislead by maniacal leaders and bewitched by fruitless dreams of grandeur. If God will someday grant Russia a government which cares for its people and those people who neighbor Russia then I will rejoice; that day now seems as bleak as ever. "
"I and my fellow soldiers who still remain will eagerly serve Europe against our true enemy and betrayors: the faithless and despicable coalition which calls itself the United Islamic Republic. They are the true instigators of our defeat. They called themselves our allies, but then spit on the alliance and stabbed us in the back. Not only have they betrayed us, but even now UIR forces are reported to be entering Libya in violation of another friendship they held. They have even joined with the Americans who they swore were their enemies in order to attack us! We were the first victim of Arab treachury, but we shall not be the last! The filth of the UIR have betrayed not only Russia but all the rest who they called friends. The UIR stands not for QAEC or the Indian Ocean Alliance or any other cause but only their own selfish greed. We, the defeated remnant of Russia have but one wish now: that the United Islamic Republic be utterly destroyed!"

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