
UIR storms into Baghdad, declares Iran to be its next target

Today, Riyadh: Minister Al-Jaziirahh released a short statement on behalf of the UIR General Staff, declaring that the full military attention of the Republic is now focused on its treacherous neighbor India, the object of worldwide hatred and vengeance after several campaigns of betrayal and treason to its greater cause. UIR soldiers celebrated upon their return to Baghdad and the General Staff has reported that thousands of Indians living in the Republic have been arrested on charges of treason and summarily executed as traitors to the State. General Ibn Fadlan of the 172nd Syrian Mechanized Infantry Corps, now stationed in Baghdad, announced that his soldiers would never give quarter to any Indian soldier or civilian discovered on or off the battlefield.

1 件のコメント:

  1. What a show of chivalry! Executing enemy civilians. The US just interned them.
