

Those Indians are at it again...

Unfortunately, the Indian Ministry of Propaganda has been struggling to produce a film masterpiece equal to the classic "Benny Lava" video, leading to massive riots among anxious crowds at movie theaters around the world. The Propaganda Minister was also burned in effigy, while there was international outrage at the failure to beat "Benny Lava". Australia, the UIR, Antarctica, and British China have all declared that they will "destroy India in revenge for all the sub-par film products, none of which even approach Benny Lava on the scale of epicness."

Fall 1997 post-build



UIR storms into Baghdad, declares Iran to be its next target

Today, Riyadh: Minister Al-Jaziirahh released a short statement on behalf of the UIR General Staff, declaring that the full military attention of the Republic is now focused on its treacherous neighbor India, the object of worldwide hatred and vengeance after several campaigns of betrayal and treason to its greater cause. UIR soldiers celebrated upon their return to Baghdad and the General Staff has reported that thousands of Indians living in the Republic have been arrested on charges of treason and summarily executed as traitors to the State. General Ibn Fadlan of the 172nd Syrian Mechanized Infantry Corps, now stationed in Baghdad, announced that his soldiers would never give quarter to any Indian soldier or civilian discovered on or off the battlefield.

British-Chinese Speculate on the Indian Question

Vladavostok Fortress--In his hold out in Vladavostok, British-Chinese Head of State Lord Robert Tunnicliffe had a few things to say about India's position in the world. "I really don't see where they're going with these absurd troop movments such as those into Moscow and Western Australia. Espicially with enemy forces in the area. We are anxious to see the reactions of Sir Cooper and his Australian Government with moves into Vietnam and onto the Australian homeland. As we see it, the only man with the right words for this situation is the late American Football Coach, Mr. Vince Lombardi:"


Russian citizens applaud Indian takeover of Moscow

As the last Arab armies were shattered on the Russian plains and Indian units entered Moscow, Russian citizens and media emerged to applaud the defeat of the hated Arab oppressor. Russian clerics hurriedly entered St. Basil's cathedral to restore icons and mosaics which had been covered and removed by the invaders when the historic cathedral was converted into a mosque. "Like Byzantium before it, this great city has felt the Muslim collar, but now it is freed" announced the patriarch of Moscow, Ivan Gregorovitch.
Russians serving in the European army also expressed their congratulations over the liberation of their homeland. Some Russians fear that the European and Indian forces will soon come to blows and mistrust Indian intentions, but a Pravda poll indicates a general concensus that any ruler is preferable to the UIR.

Spring 1997


Fall 1996 Post Build

Normal View
Pacific View

Fall 1996 post-build


Colorful Map - Fall 1996 Pre Build

Normal View
Pacific View

UIR says: "Take On Me"

Fall, 1996: Prime Minister Marwan declared today that India is completely untrustworthy, after professing a desire to cooperate with Republic forces before attempting to stab them in the back. Fortunately, the commanders of the Grand Army of the Republic are skilled enough to thwart attempts by the Indians to invade Iraq and Iran. Minister Al-Jaziirahh, in a press conference concerning future relations with India, announced that all diplomatic communications between the UIR and India are permanently cut off from here on out. Scattered reports have filtered back from various Indian-controlled regions that several UIR consulates and embassies were destroyed. Apparently, Indian military forces attempted to take over the embassies and the valiant representatives from the Republic chose to martyr themselves and their staffs instead of allowing themselves to be captured. After this announcement, Al-Jaziirahh delivered a final message to the Indian government: "The United Islamic Republic has only one thing to say...Take On Me!"

Australian Fleet in North West Pacific Forced to Disband: Sailors Happy to Return Home

Fall 1996 pre-build


More Evidence of Premature Indian Celebration


Silly Indians...again

Unsurprisingly, crowds in Mumbai are celebrating a victory over the forces of the UIR, even before any battles have been fought (except for the heroic Republic forces keeping the infidel Indians out of the state of Iraq). Oh you silly Indians...soon you will not be so happy. Haha.


Actors Film Their Interpretation of the Antarctic Invasion of Argentina

Colorful Spring 1996

So Mr. DuPuy said that I was being "too nit picky" about not coloring in territories, so I colored stuff in that clearly belongs to people. Sorry it took me so long.
Normal View

Pacific View

Jihad...(Masha'Allah) ما شاء الله

Spring, 1996, Mecca: Today, Supreme Ayatollah of the UIR Mohammed Salah-ad-Din issued a fatwa against "the infidels in India and Kenya", declaring that "God will strike fear into their hearts, and will never let the true faith fall." As countless millions across the Republic prepare for martyrdom against their overwhelmingly strong foes, the Ayatollah pledged that "the streets will run red with the blood of the faithful and the infidel alike, sacrificed to protect the Faith." Prime Minister Marwan gave a press conference from his secret Chechen command facility, saying that "we expect to die in the service of God, but we will not go down easily." Also, he mentioned that "since the Holy Lands are so close to the invading forces, all holy sites in Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem have been removed from their original sites and relocated to secret storage facilities scattered across the shifting sands of the Near East."

Bring it on India...prepare to face the Jihad. ما شاء الله

Spring 1996



Australia to Intervene in South American Affairs

Winter 1995- Australian Prime Minister Sir Theo Russell Cooper received a plea from the residents of Easter Island, asking to be taken under the wing of Australia's Pan-Oceanic Empire. Cooper was happy to order the annexation of Easter Island from the Argentinians (although the Argentine government is currently in exile) and begin building a naval presence in the vicinity. He did mention, however, that "the Argentinians will no doubt have problems with this, but it is their people who longed to be part of a different government." The prime minister reiterated his peaceful intentions towards the annexation, saying, "The memebers of the Greater Indian Ocean Co-prosperity Sphere, and Australia specifically, only seek to promote peace and prosperity in the southern seas." No other messages from island groups, such as the Galapagos, similarly faced with the collapse of the Argentine home government have reached Cooper at this time.

Antarctic Army Secures Argentine Homeland - Calls for Destruction of Junta

Buenos Aires - Winter 1995

After months of fighting, Antarctic forces have liberated all of the Argentine homeland. "We are very happy with the fruits of our labor," said President Guin from the balcony of the Presidential Palace at La Casa Rosada overlooking La Plaza de Mayo. As the hoards of supporters crowded into La Plaza, Guin continued, "We are happy to welcome a free Argentina into our Antarctic family." He later called for other nations to join in the purge of the Junta in South America, saying "These freedom-hating swine can not be allowed to rule tyrannically over any nation. Let the nations of the free world unite against this most dangerous threat. To those oppressed territories still controlled by the Junta, we have but one message for you: freedom from tyranny is near."

After delivering this inspirational speech, President Guin retired to La Casa Rosada with his sights set just across the Rio de Plata.


Mien Fuhrer, I can walk!

After evacuating from British-China, the citizens and leaders of British-China, and Dr. S, have gone down into the mine shafts of Vladavostok. After careful planning the evacuation in the War Room, in which no fighting was allowed, the remaining structures and depots in British-Chinese territory were destroyed by Dr. S's weapon. "We successfully left and the invading Indian and Australian armies are left with nothing to use; we recommend to the powers that be to remove "build" status from our countries, as they are useless." said Artemis Grunwald. There were no further comments.

Bon Homme Brings QAEC to the Amazon - Indians 'Eat it Up'

La Lucha Continua - Viva l'Argentine - Brazilian Forces Evacuate Capital

Fall 1995 pre-build (builds due Tues)



5 Years In - The New Blank Map

The coloring is not open to suggestions. Obviously it doesn't have any armies/fleets; it is meant to be the backdrop map for the program Dr. Shurmer uses to move the units.

Colorful Fall 1994 Post-Build

Normal View

Pacific View

Fall 1994 post-build (next move 3pm Wednesday)


Marwan and Bellic meet to discuss UIR's interest in Ukraine

Today, Jerusalem: Minister of Propaganda al-Jaziirahh gave a press conference early this afternoon, detailing the UIR's plans concerning Eastern Europe. He said that "We have entered into talks with the opposition party in the Ukraine and we hope to reach an agreement soon." Newly-elected Ukrainian President Nikolas Bellic (who came to power after the fall of the Soviet Union) has told UIR Prime Minister Marwan that "Ukraine would be happy to join the Republic, we simply need to be freed from the last vestiges of Soviet Russian power..." UIR forces in the region are preparing a multi-pronged assault on the country, hoping to finally liberate its population.

Ukrainian President Nikolas Bellic pictured taking a typical afternoon run

Falkland Uprising Spurs Antarctic Invasion of Argentine Homeland

Mawson - Winter 1994

After the fall of Great Britain and Ireland to Europe, Antarctica secured the Falkland Islands in the south west Atlantic Ocean on behalf of the government of Argentina. After being met with initial celebrations, the Antarctic liberators were viciously attacked, leaving many dead across the islands. After re-securing the Falklands, investigations began as to who had conducted these operations.

These investigations found that the remnants of the Junta that dominated Argentina in the late 70s and early 80s had led the attack. After months of interrogations, the captured Junta members admitted that they had placed a plethora of Junta officials within the Argentine government and had begun to restart the atrocities committed by the Junta so many years ago. Said one captured Junta member, "Operation Condor has begun again, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it."

Upon further inquiry, the Antarctic government was able to confirm the information given to them by their prisoners. They found that the Argentine government had been infiltrated by hoards of former Junta backers who had indeed begun to kidnap and slaughter any and all dissenters of Argentine territory. Having learned this, President Imapen Guin declared that Antarctica "would intervene on behalf of the citizens of the Argentine Empire" in order to "protect their basic civil rights which had been systematically destroyed through a deliberate process of fear mongering, kidnapping, and murder."

Antarctic forces have alrady liberated the Argentine capitol of Buenos Aires and the territory of Chile. Further liberations will soon follow. President Guin issued a statement to the other countries of the world, emploring them to help "free the opressed peoples of Argentina."

Western Russian Federation Surrenders

On October 5th 1994, Marshall Kalinsky, cheif of staff of Russian democratic forces in Eastern Europe surrendered unconditionally to the Western Alliance leaders. The treaty which followed called for the disbandment of all Russian forces and ceding of the remaining territory in their hands to the European Union. The once proud and seemingly-unstoppable armies of the Soviet Union were scattered and crippled, their homeland overrun by invaders. In his farewell speech, Marshall Kalinsky made the following statement to the European and American Media:
"It is with little sadness or regret that I lay down my sword against the people of the West. We Russians have been mislead by maniacal leaders and bewitched by fruitless dreams of grandeur. If God will someday grant Russia a government which cares for its people and those people who neighbor Russia then I will rejoice; that day now seems as bleak as ever. "
"I and my fellow soldiers who still remain will eagerly serve Europe against our true enemy and betrayors: the faithless and despicable coalition which calls itself the United Islamic Republic. They are the true instigators of our defeat. They called themselves our allies, but then spit on the alliance and stabbed us in the back. Not only have they betrayed us, but even now UIR forces are reported to be entering Libya in violation of another friendship they held. They have even joined with the Americans who they swore were their enemies in order to attack us! We were the first victim of Arab treachury, but we shall not be the last! The filth of the UIR have betrayed not only Russia but all the rest who they called friends. The UIR stands not for QAEC or the Indian Ocean Alliance or any other cause but only their own selfish greed. We, the defeated remnant of Russia have but one wish now: that the United Islamic Republic be utterly destroyed!"

Colorful Fall 1994 Pre-Build

Normal View

Pacific View

As always, feel free to comment if I missed one of your forces.

Sewing Circle Stops Importing Overly Sized Fur Hats: British-China Riots!

British-China Terrified at Prospect of Approaching Sewing Circle

Beijing--After evacuating to the former capital of the Chinese Empire, the British-Chinese are currently cowering in fear at the approach the largest sewing circle even assembled. The Circle, originating from somewhere in the Pacific and Indian Oceans has steadily advanced through prized British-Chinese lands, only to find nothing there. "We have destroyed all weapons and military depots so the women could not use our advanced technology. Our Armies are preparing to disband, but will not hesitate to drop the hammer when we can." Said Lord Robert Tunnicliffe IV. "We should have never trusted the Indian nation to our left. They used us as a tool, and it was not appreciated." added Artemis Grunwald, Chief Military Adviser. "We suggest to the rest of the world that you crush them quickly. Do not listen to their prospects of 'minor-bun-engines'. For now, we are holding out until we see an opportunity; however, the future does not look bright. That is why we have gone to our final resort, and our most secret adviser: Dr. S." said Grunwald. Dr. S is a genius who has had extensive experience in the field of national survival; he is most notably known for assisting the United States and former president Merkin Muffy in a similar time of crisis (although many debate that the two were one-in-the-same). "Dr. S has helped us to rig a divice that will explode all of China if Beijing is taken. We have begun evacuations to territories outside of British-China," Tunnicliffe concluded. Dr. S was avaliable for interview, although he was still working to recover from his time with the "Mien Fuhrer." His only comments were: " We must go down into the mine-shafts... where we will have a ratio of ten females to every one male, and we could be back to the current gross national product in... say, twenty years. I hasten to add that since each man will be required to do prodigious... service along these lines, the women will have to be selected for their sexual characteristics which will have to be of a highly stimulating nature." He had no further comment. After Dr. S's final words, the three gentlemen left to decide upon their next moves.

Fall 1994 pre-build


UIR welcomes new Deputy Minister of Propaganda...Great Success!

The UIR's new Deputy Minister of Propaganda (a native of the new Republican state of Kazakhstan) swimming in the Caspian Sea!! Very Nice!!



Breaking News from British-Chinese Government

Still, there has been no sign of any British-Chinese officials, we suspect that they are currently locat*************************************************************
((ERR0394--the remainder of this report has been automatically blocked by British-Chinese Internet FireWall Filter))

Antarctica Secures Falkland Islands as Britain Falls

Winter 1993 - Mawson

Antarctica has secured the Falkland Islands in the wake of the fall of Great Britain to the hands Europe who is "not in" QAEC. Said President Guin, "We wanted to make sure that the vital interests of the free world are protected in the Falklands. We did not feel secure that QAEC - sorry - 'Europe' would govern the Falklands with the world's interests at heart."

Antarctic forces were welcomed in as violence had begun to break out on the islands between people loyal to Britain and insurgents planted there by QAEurope. Said one survivor loyal to the British cause, "It was inevitable that the people would resort to this. But we want to boldly go forth and make Britain rise to its former place of glory in the world - not surpressed by a puppet of QAEC." While perhaps in need of some help expressing himself, that citizen was definitely happy to see Antarctica protect them.

Eclipse Causes Chinese Power Grid Blackout

The Chinese government converted their entire power grid to run off of solar power, generated in the Gobi Desert, to reduce pollution following the fall of South Africa, so that they might not suffer a similar fate. Earlier this week, a solar eclipse in the Gobi Desert caused the entire British-Chinese grid to go off line for the good part of a day and into the subsequent night. Naturally, this caused a full blackout in communications and satellite feeds for the Chinese armed forces. By the time the power grid was back on line, the forces China thought it had in Lanzhou and Guangzhou had been replaced with those of India and Australia, respectively, and their own forces pushed back to the northeast.

When asked to comment on his findings on the intent of British-China's “Operation Eclipse”, Spymaster General Sir Francis Walsingham stated that, “Eclipse was hardly a code name, more of the truth really. The governing staff of Australia left their state offices to go turn the power on and prevent any military or territorial losses due to the blackout. We deem 'Operation Eclipse' a failure.”