
Russian citizens applaud Indian takeover of Moscow

As the last Arab armies were shattered on the Russian plains and Indian units entered Moscow, Russian citizens and media emerged to applaud the defeat of the hated Arab oppressor. Russian clerics hurriedly entered St. Basil's cathedral to restore icons and mosaics which had been covered and removed by the invaders when the historic cathedral was converted into a mosque. "Like Byzantium before it, this great city has felt the Muslim collar, but now it is freed" announced the patriarch of Moscow, Ivan Gregorovitch.
Russians serving in the European army also expressed their congratulations over the liberation of their homeland. Some Russians fear that the European and Indian forces will soon come to blows and mistrust Indian intentions, but a Pravda poll indicates a general concensus that any ruler is preferable to the UIR.

3 件のコメント:

  1. Oh wait comrade...I forgot...Russia was the third player to be killed in the game...
    So it sounds like their words have a LOT of meaning now dont they? Especially since they no longer exist and do not control any territory.

  2. You are incorrect. They were the fourth player to be destroyed--Eastern Russia fell first. As for meaning, propaganda does not need to come from the powerful to be effective. Public opinion matters more than the random doings of your Arab troops.

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