
Jihad...(Masha'Allah) ما شاء الله

Spring, 1996, Mecca: Today, Supreme Ayatollah of the UIR Mohammed Salah-ad-Din issued a fatwa against "the infidels in India and Kenya", declaring that "God will strike fear into their hearts, and will never let the true faith fall." As countless millions across the Republic prepare for martyrdom against their overwhelmingly strong foes, the Ayatollah pledged that "the streets will run red with the blood of the faithful and the infidel alike, sacrificed to protect the Faith." Prime Minister Marwan gave a press conference from his secret Chechen command facility, saying that "we expect to die in the service of God, but we will not go down easily." Also, he mentioned that "since the Holy Lands are so close to the invading forces, all holy sites in Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem have been removed from their original sites and relocated to secret storage facilities scattered across the shifting sands of the Near East."

Bring it on India...prepare to face the Jihad. ما شاء الله

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