
Ottomans Call for Reparations

Over the past few years, the Ottomans have endured relentless, yet failed, attacks by the British Empire. In light of the recent post, if the British are willing to leave Ottomans territories in such ruin the Ottomans demand the return of their territories as well as all of the British Empire's territories. Such cowards do not deserve peace unless they are willing to make sacrifices.

In other news, here is a hilarious picture:

1 件のコメント:

  1. The British will make no such concessions. The Ottomans surely know, as well as anyone, that they are finished and the Russians will annihilate them, with or without British assistance. Nevertheless, the Ottomans have made a good point that the four great powers are not yet alone in this map so destruction of the Ottomans may be a prerequisite for any agreement among the great powers as to the game's termination.
